Monday, January 28, 2013

The Philippines! (and Ted Mosby)

Alright! I finally made it to the Philippines! Holy Moly!! 26 ours of travel total!! that is counting lay overs and car rides!! I was so jet lagged haha! It was a miracle I am alive I swear!! Anyways we left Tuesday and got here Thursday When we got here they lost my bag... I was super stressed haha! But we finally made our way and went to the presidents house! Wow presidents of the church have nice things haha! His house was super nice and we had this way good Ulam... which is what all the food here is called. It basically means thing you put on rice! Anyways after we met our trainers. My trainer is Elder Hibbert. He is your classic white Idaho man. haha He is great though and he has been towing me around everywhere helping me out. it is good though because he lets me suffer and learn things on my own as well as trying to help me. Well here is the run down on the Philippines. It is Hot. it smells like ... an assortment of EVERYTHING, it is super poor. I live in what people tell me is the nicest area and people here are wealthier... It is still poor as crap! haha There are stray dogs and cats everywhere. I don't know how people survive! Haha anyways though It is weird. Going to the bathroom was way more different than I expected... I don't like it. Wiping with hands and nonsense. But cool story for the week. On my way to the Philippines! I met the actor of TED MOZBY!! my favorite TV show!! He was on his way home from the sun...something festival haha and he was on my flight! DANG!! I WAS SO EXCITED!! I had to take a picture with him. So i asked him after he got off the phone and he was pretty grumpy... he didn't really like the fact that I called him Ted Mozby haha But I got the picture.... than my sd card for some reason erased it... so I cant show anyone but it happened I swear!! Anyways back to the Philippines! I am doing well.. I was so jet lagged I barely remember anything! But all I know is that most people could care less about us. But the ones who do care .. are seriously prepared! They believe everything we say and they love the gospel. The people are so humble though and if you saw how poor it is here you would request that Oprah start a fundraiser. They are still happy though! they are always laughing and joking around. My first area is called Ampid. We it is supposedly the wealthiest. But is also... poor we proselyte in a squatters area and they have nothing... but they are still happy! haha I love this place... but my body hates it! So It is going to take some time to get used too. I don't understand anything but I know God will give it to me in my own time. Miracle of the week!! It was super sunny all day my second day and I swear I was going to die because of jet lag! I prayed so hard for some sort of relief because I didn't think I was going to make it! MIRACLE! Clouds rolled in out of no where and made the day really nice and cool!! I am so Thankful Heavenly Father looks out for me! Well anyways more stories ahead! The important thing is I'm safe and I haven't died playing frogger across the road!

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